Monday, September 28, 2009

A blog post about blogging

I went to bed last night in a good mood. I was in such a good mood that I updated my blog an additional time.

Know why? I got my first ever follower! (The good, Blogger kind, not the bad, stalker kind)

In the past, I have started blogs (personal ones and class-related ones) at different Web sites, but the keyword is "started." Such is the case for many things, it is easy to start a blog, but maintaining one can be challenging.

You'd think that when I took a new media class a couple years ago, where I got a thorough introduction to blogging, vlogging, etc. and some hands-on experience to boot, that I'd keep it up. I guess what I really needed was inspiration. An unofficial hiatus from non-academic writing plus a summer internship where I wrote articles and started writing for myself again certainly provided that.

Over the summer, I also started reading blogs regularly, particularly Smitten, which has different writers. One of its main bloggers, Joanna Goddard, stood out to me -- I like her written voice and personality -- and I started checking out her blog. From there, I started checking out other blogs and finally decided to start my own.

I've continue to gain inspiration from other people and have even started following a few blogs. Earlier today, I read a post by Michelle called Advice for New Bloggers at Oh, Mishka. While I'm not necessarily a new blogger, I still took it as a helpful, blog-related pep talk.

In recent weeks, I've started to become more regular about updating this blog, and I hope that I will continue to do so. While I started this blog for myself, knowing that there are people who read it makes it even more worthwhile.

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  1. Congrats! The first is always the most difficult. But hang in there - it gets much easier!

  2. Good luck on blogging, you'll end up addicted to it I think!

    Btw, I like Joanna goddard as well, her blog is always a nice read!


  3. Thanks K and Toothfairynotes for the encouragement! Do either of you have any blogging tips that you would like to share?
