Now we're a week into 2010. This time of year is when many people are trying to keep up with their New Year's resolutions, if they haven't broken them already.
I made a very general resolution for myself that encompasses a lot of things: I want to take better care of myself. What does that really mean, though?
2009 was quite a busy year for me: school, work and other responsibilities, a summer-long internship on the other side of the United States, and a bunch of new experiences and changes in my life. Don't get me wrong -- there were so many wonderful, incredible things that happened to me in 2009. Amid the hustle and bustle, though, when you're feeling busy, tired, and stressed, it can be easy to overlook that incredible wonderfulness. Sometimes, life can be quite overwhelming, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Do you know that feeling?
I'm in the midst of my winter vacation for school, and when I started it, I realized that this is the first time in almost a year that I feel like I really had a long vacation, a chance to catch my breath and do nothing at all.
Therefore, for 2010, I want to take advantage of breaks, find ways to relax and relieve stress, exercise more regularly (the above picture is of a creek that I passed by while walking/jogging), not procrastinate so much ... basically, take better care of myself. I'm already starting to do so now. I feel energized just thinking about all this, and look forward to 2010. :-)